As a lifelong Nevadan and long-term resident of Assembly District 3, I understand the importance of electing legislators who will keep Nevada families in mind. I am excited to be a candidate for Nevada State Assembly District 3.
When my father immigrated to the United States, he worked tirelessly to learn a trade to provide for his family. Meanwhile, my mom went back to school to pursue her dream of becoming a public school teacher. My parents taught me that education takes many forms and must be a priority for families and the state of Nevada. I became a teacher because I know that every child deserves a quality education so that they can fulfill their American dream.
I regularly speak with my students about their future after high school in my classroom. My students are eager to be productive members of our community but are often limited by the skills they are given in the classroom. Additionally, students find it difficult to navigate higher education and trade schools to pursue the career of their dreams. As a Nevada legislator, I continue to be a strong voice for Nevada students and advocate for legislation that puts our students and their families first.
As a Nevada State Assemblywoman, I have fought for legislation to improve the quality of life for hardworking Nevada families. I have sponsored legislation that creates a more equitable education system, protects Nevada workers, and promotes economic opportunity.
Nevadan deserves solution-oriented leadership that is responsive to issues our community faces. Now more than ever, I am committed to working with our community to improve our quality of life.
Selena Torres

Selena Torres is an educator who was first elected to the Nevada State Assembly in 2018. Her father fled the Salvadoran civil war, and her mother left Hawaii to pursue her career as a high school English teacher. Her parents eventually made Assembly District 3 their home because its diversity reflected that of her own family.
Torres is the proud product of Nevada’s public education system, and she brings her passion for education to the classroom every single day as a high school English teacher. Torres is a second-generation National Education Association member and the proud daughter of an operating engineer.
As a legislator, she draws from her experience as a public school teacher to create a more equitable Nevada for all. Torres is proud to have sponsored legislation that protects Nevadans’ right to contraception, empowers Nevada’s immigrant community, and eliminates language barriers to strengthen democracy for new Nevadans.
In the 2024 interim state legislative session, Torres is chair of the Interim Government Affairs Committee and a member of the Interim Commerce and Labor Committee. During the 2023 legislative session, she served as chair of the Assembly Committee on Government Affairs and the assistant majority whip. Additionally, she was a member of the Assembly Committee on Commerce and Labor and the Committee on Education. She is the past chair of the Nevada Latino Legislative Caucus and is currently the treasurer/secretary of the Nevada Latino Legislative Caucus.